
Through my learning and development and the support and guidance from my colleagues and the company I was able to enhance my knowledge which has given me the experience to solve problems, help our customers independently and provide them with the best service I can.

Joshua Wook

Sales Administrator, Kubota UK

Joshua Wook

I joined Kubota as a Business Administration Apprentice in September 2016. I was very excited to be given this opportunity of learning with a large Company and being able to earn a salary at the same time in my first job.

Through my learning and development and the support and guidance from my colleagues and the company I was able to enhance my knowledge which has given me the experience to solve problems, help our customers independently and provide them with the best service I can. Some of the opportunities I have had during my short time with Kubota have included visiting one of our key shows (Saltex), operating some of our machinery, seeing products going through testing in our R&D function and spending time in each of the other departments to understand what they do and the interactions I have with them.

Through all of this I have continued my studies, which has proved difficult at times, and have recently passed my Apprenticeship and NVQ. I am now a fully operational Sales Administrator working within the Tractor and Ground care Division alongside all my colleagues.

Recently the Company have also commenced a major refurbishment programme across all areas which has now given everyone an added ‘boost’ as our working conditions are excellent.

It is a pleasure to work at KUK and with my colleagues.

Joshua Wook, Sales Administrator, Kubota UK

This company often provides great opportunities for employees to obtain different work experiences and discover new skills.

Veysi Sesli

Production/Logistic/Procurement Manager, Kubota Turkey

Veysi Sesli

Despite being in Kubota for a short period of time, I learned a lot about the company’s culture, standardization and quality. This company often provides great opportunities for employees to obtain different work experiences and discover new skills.

Employees have high visibility as of their first day, in the sense that their creative ideas and hard work will be seen by the people at the top.Top management recognizes and appreciates our dedicated effort. That's the honor of working in a global giant. Kubota really is perfect and it's a pleasure to be working with these people.

Veysi Sesli, Production/Logistic/Procurement Manager, Kubota Turkey

I have observed that Japanese culture is clearly reflected in business life, and absolute success will come as a result of disciplined and transparent work.

Bora Yuce

Executive Senior Manager Sales and Marketing, Kubota Turkey

Bora Yuce

I have been working in my company for more than 6 years. During this period of time, I worked as a Manager in many different positions that I believe are important, i.e. Service, Purchasing, Spare Parts, Production, etc.

In the ongoing time, I believe that mutually Kubota Brand and I have a positive interaction.In particular, I have observed that Japanese culture is clearly reflected in business life, and absolute success will come as a result of disciplined and transparent work.

The most crucial point for me, as a success-oriented person, is that my company has enabled me to achieve success.This makes us happier and more energetic. As the Kubota brand strives for success in a more motivated way for the bright future of the brand, the targets are formed by themselves.

Let's get together to taste success!

Bora Yuce, Executive Senior Manager Sales and Marketing, Kubota Turkey

Since the beginning of my professional relationship with Kubota, the company has given me personal and professional development.

Jesús Herbosa Herbosa

Production manager, Kubota Spain

Jesús Herbosa Herbosa

After completing my studies, I had the opportunity to start my professional career with Kubota in June 1987, almost at the beginning of Kubota’s arrival in Spain. In 1994, with the closing of the Factory, there was created a new commercial company of Kubota in Spain, committed to the goal of meeting the needs of customers, an objective that I fully share. In this new company I continue my career and professional development.

Throughout all these years I have had the opportunity to play different roles and functions, from administrative production to production manager (position that I am currently developing). Since the beginning of my professional relationship with Kubota, the company has given me personal and professional development, increasing my teamwork capabilities, listening to others opinions, debating and respectfully expressing my ideas. All this helps me to move towards one of my goals; achieve maximum efficiency, with continuous improvements that allow us to improve the satisfaction provided with our products. Customer satisfaction and their needs are our main objective.

Offering customers Kubota products of excellent quality and reliability will contribute to achieving the goal of making Kubota the leading brand in Europe.

Jesús Herbosa Herbosa, Production manager, Kubota Spain

Quand je regarde en arrière, j’estime que j’ai eu de la chance de rejoindre Kubota car en travaillant et en apprenant j’ai pu progresser et occuper différentes fonctions.

Hervé Gérard-Biard

Directeur de la Division Tracteur, Kubota Europe, France

Hervé Gérard-Biard

J’ai rejoint Kubota en juillet 1980, l’entreprise s’appelait alors Kubota Tractor Europe.(Le chiffre d’affaires était réalisé pour l’essentiel par les motoculteurs)

Nous étions une trentaine de personnes en 1980 et j’étais le plus jeune staff de l’entreprise. 38 années ont passé et je suis désormais le plus ancien employé de Kubota Europe…

Quand je regarde en arrière, j’estime que j’ai eu de la chance de rejoindre Kubota car en travaillant et en apprenant j’ai pu progresser et occuper différentes fonctions, responsable régional des ventes, responsable marketing, responsable des ventes « export », Directeur des Ventes, puis responsable de l’ensemble la Division, toujours dans le domaine Tracteur. Dans ma carrière au sein de Kubota, j’ai été marqué par certains aspects de la culture japonaise, comme l’engagement et l’implication au travail ou le stoïcisme dans les moments difficiles et ce sont des valeurs que je partage.

Aujourd’hui, l’ambition « agricole » de Kubota dans une Europe consolidée nous offre de de nouveaux challenges, tout en nous demandant de changer nos habitudes pour nous rassembler autour de celle-ci.

C’est une belle opportunité pour toutes les générations qui œuvrent au succès de la marque en Europe et je convaincu que cette ambition se réalisera.Let’s make Kubota greater in Europe!

Hervé Gérard-Biard, Directeur de la Division Tracteur, Kubota Europe, France

I very much appreciated the support we received both from the headquarters and from Japanese colleagues locally.

Andrea Ceriani

Industrial Operations Manager, Kubota Farm Machinery Europe, France

Andrea Ceriani

After graduating in Mechanical Engineering, I have built my industrial experience by successfully holding positions in Methods, Product Development, Quality, Production and Project Management departments, mainly in the automotive industry.

Afterward, I have held Plant Manager positions for over ten years, particularly for a welded cabin frames manufacturer for the agricultural and construction machinery business.

I joined KFM at the beginning of 2016 when mass production started. I must admit that starting up a new factory, with new people, a new tractor model, and contributing to bringing it up to speed has been quite an exciting challenge.

During that difficult phase, I very much appreciated the support we received both from the headquarters and from the Japanese colleagues locally.

Unlike many other companies I have experienced before, I found a culture here where people are respected and much attention is given on their well-being at work, the approach is based on the long term, on a step by step basis but always moving forward, facing challenges together.

The team we have now in place in KFM is a strong team that has proven to be able to overcome so many difficulties by working well together. I am quite proud to work with them and enjoy working in a Group with which I fully share the core values, mission and vision.

Andrea Ceriani, Industrial Operations Manager, Kubota Farm Machinery Europe, France

Through the six-month internship, I was able to expand my knowledge and skills.

Christian Büttner

Service Department Employee, Kubota Deutschland, Germany

Christian Büttner

Through my six-month internship, I was able to expand my knowledge and skills. In addition to detailed product knowledge, I also gained deeper insights into the work of the service and product management departments. Regular customer contact and demanding tasks with a high level of personal responsibility contributed greatly to making the internship a valuable preparation for a future career.

Although I was the first Trainee at Kubota Germany, all the people involved acted with openness, flexibility, high professionalism and constant willingness to optimize. The internship was an important experience and a great success for me!

Christian Büttner, Service Department Employee, Kubota Deutschland, Germany

I really appreciate the diversity of interaction I can have with my colleagues from different departments: sales, service, purchasing, spare parts.

Amaury Suarez Infiesta

Compact & Groundcare Product Manager, Kubota Europe, France

Amaury Suarez Infiesta

I Joined Kubota Company 2 years ago as my first job after my studies. I work in the marketing team and I am in charge of a wide range of products which made the Kubota brand in Europe.

It is very rewarding to have this kind of responsibility and it makes me grow every day. I really appreciate the diversity of interaction I can have with my colleagues from different departments: i.e. sales, service, purchasing, spare parts, and from different countries in Europe or in Japan. I learn every day from my colleagues and the fact that every person is easily accessible reflects the Kubota way of mind. Nobody will close you any door in Kubota. Stay open minded and creative and it will bring you recognition and fulfillment.

Amaury Suarez Infiesta, Compact & Groundcare Product Manager, Kubota Europe, France

Since the first day, I felt Kubota as a family-owned company because of the closeness, support and caring that I received from the management and colleagues.

Patricia González

Director of Spare Parts, Kubota Spain

Patricia González

When I was 23 years old and recently graduated lawyer, I started in the Spare Parts sector working in a construction company.

Since this journey started, I immediately felt attracted to the Spare Parts Sales business and then discovered that it was my true vocation. After 10 years of experience, practice and achievements, I was assigned to the position of Management of the Spare Parts Department, warehouse and logistics.

In 2016, I had the opportunity to be part of a selection process for the position of Spare Parts Director at Kubota Spain. The company dimension, its excellent reputation and leading position on the construction and agriculture sectors, represented to me at that moment a great career opportunity and personal development challenge. This process ended, for my happiness, with the establishment of a contractual relationship that allowed me to enter Kubota family. From that day on, I had the opportunity to apply at Kubota Spain, all my previous knowledge and enthusiasm for the business that characterizes me.

Being aftermarket a “key” driver for ours and channel partners profitability, mine and my team goals are, to contribute with a great communication and teamwork  with the marketing, sales, service and financial departments, to support Kubota business growth ambitious as well as to elevate the Kubota brand to the desired "GMB" goal.

Since the first day, I felt Kubota as a family-owned company because of the closeness, support and caring that I received from the management and colleagues. This offers me daily doses of motivation and it makes me proud and fortunate to be doing what I love every day.

Patricia González, Director of Spare Parts, Kubota Spain

It was a multicultural company, and it was one of the reasons I joined KUBOTA as well. I grew up in a farm in Brittany (France), so agriculture is a part of my main interest, with smart technology and multicultural connection...


Business developer at ICE Innovation Center Europe


Question 1 – Who are you? (write a short introduction about yourself, experience, interest etc.) I am Eric GUEMENE. I join KUBOTA in March 2023 as Strategic Business developer in ICE. I worked before for CLAAS Group, in a software entity, based in Berlin. It was a multicultural company, and it was one of the reasons I joined KUBOTA as well. I grew up in a farm in Brittany (France), so agriculture is a part of my main interest, with smart technology and multicultural connection. My personal interests are sports in general, travel and culture.    Question 2 – What do you do at Kubota / Kverneland Group? (Include your role, entity, and location) As a business developer at ICE (Innovation Center Europe), I oversee the validation of technologies and start-up solutions in the French market. Once ICE has identified a new tech solution, we put it on farmers ‘hand and dealer network to evaluate how it fits with our company. So, I am based in Nieuw Vennep, but living in France, I work for the French market.  Question 3 – Why do you enjoy working at Kubota / Kverneland Group? My position and my missions mix my interest with agriculture, mainly vineyard and orchard, smart technology, means technologies relevant for grower, and pan European cultural company.

Whilst working at Kubota I have been fortunate in being offered so many different opoortunites. I enjoyed the development programe I was offered after University which gave me an opportunity to experience different departments within Kubota UK, including Sales, marketing and aftersales operations.

George Nowell

TBU Dealer Manager for the West of England and Wales

George Nowell

Question 1 – Who are you? (write a short introduction about yourself, experience, interest etc.) I’m George Nowell, Whilst growing up on a small family farm in the South West of England, it was clearfrom a young age that I had a strong interest in agricultural machinery. At the age of 16 I attended Agricultural College to study a National Diploma in LandBased Technology. Part of the course was to complete a 15 month placementgaining practical experience from the industry. During this time, I worked for a local main tractor and combine dealer, as a Service technician. Having completed my apprentiship and worked for a couple of years I decided to develop my skills further by studying an honours degree in Agricultural Engineering at Harper Adams University. During my studies I joined Kubota as an intern working in the Service Department. In 2018 I graduated from Harper Adams University with a 2:1 honours in Agricultural Engineering. I returned to Kubota UK as product support technician. In my free time I enjoy walking and off roading with my 1968 Land Rover.   Question 2 – What do you do at Kubota / Kverneland Group? (Include your role, entity, and location)  TBU Dealer Manager for the West of England and Wales, Responsible for the  development of 12 tractor & groundcare dealer businesses from 15 retail outlets.  Question 3 – Why do you enjoy working at Kubota / Kverneland Group? Whilst working at Kubota I have been fortunate in being offered so many different opoortunites. I enjoyed the development programe I was offered after University which gave me an opportunity to experience different departments within Kubota UK, including Sales, marketing and aftersales operations. Not least, a secondment to KFM where I worked with the factoy service department for 3 months, giving me experience of different market requirements and challenges to that of the UK.  The team spirit at Kubota has always been strong and the variety of work and progression oportunites means there is never a dull moment.  It’s great that the management team notice hard work and reward that with progression opportunites along with a mentorship program which I have found extremely beneficial.  I also enjoy the close working relationship I have with our sister sales company Kverneland and their field teams, often joining together for various field events supporting our dealer network.

First of all, I love my job because it allows me to support and help my colleagues. Secondly, Kubota has contributed a lot to me, it always lifts me up, not to the down.

Gülcihan Erler

HR&GA department

Gülcihan Erler

Question 1 – Who are you? (write a short introduction about yourself, experience, interest etc.) Hi, my name is Gülcihan Erler. I have 2 kids, ages 19 and 16. Pablo, our lovely cat is another precious member of our family and a source of joy and peace.   Question 2 – What do you do at Kubota / Kverneland Group? (Include your role, entity, and location) I met with Kubota Turkey in July of 2019. At that time, I was working for a subcontractor of Kubota. 3 years later, I was hired by Kubota as office support staff. So, I have a total of 5 years experience in Kubota Turkey. My responsibility is to maintain the order in the offices and support the general affairs tasks as a member of HR&GA department.   Question 3 – Why do you enjoy working at Kubota / Kverneland Group?   First of all, I love my job because it allows me to support and help my colleagues. Secondly, Kubota has contributed a lot to me, it always lifts me up, not to the down. I really enjoy working with Kubota Turkey because my colleagues always support me as well. Over the years, I have been working in many different companies, I have many different workplace experiences but I am able to realize my and my children's dreams by Kubota Turkey. I'm very very glad I joined the Kubota.