Engine output (PS)
KC70SL-4 / KC70SL-4 P
Carrier dumpers

The KUBOTA KC70SL-4 / KC70SL-4 P is a crawler dumper fitted with a self loading shovel. Available with diesel or petrol engine.
This device is very useful when you need to remove loose material or to clear demolition rubble. The loading capacity of 700 kg makes the KC70SL-4 / KC70SL-4 P the ideal working mate for all jobs in the construction activity.
Hydraulic transmission
Hydraulic oil cooler
Dumping angle of 88°
Grease tension system and short pitch track
Foldable foot plate
Ground clearance 202 mm

KC70SL-4 key features
Max. loading capacity (kg)
Skip capacity, heaped volume (m3)
Mini overall width (mm)