Plough accessories Non – Stop
Plough accessories
Unbeatable in stony conditions!
Safety compliance
With today’s demands for higher output, both tractor and plough are expected to perform quicker than ever. This makes more arduous demands on the equipment, particularly on the safety systems designed to protect tractors, ploughs and drivers against the dangers encountered whenever the plough meets hidden obstructions in the ground. This Non-stop system guarantees this safety high standards requirements.
Adaptable to varying soil conditions
Depending of the type of soil all Kubota “RMxxx5” ploughs can be equipped with different leaf springs packages. For soft soils, a normal spring with 6 leaves is the best choice to obtain the perfect ploughing in stony conditions. Today, most Kubota ploughs are delivered with the Heavy Duty springs package (HD) with 7 leaves. This will perform well in most conditions. If the soil is very hard and stony – a double leaf spring package is recommended.
Extra leaves when needed
The standard Non-stop system includes 6 heat treated springs (12kN).
For heavier to extreme soil conditions, extra leaf springs are added for up to 8, ie17kN.
The leaves are easily fixed with one central bolt only. The outer spring can be removed by unscrewing only 2 bolts.
Individual body release!
The Kubota mechanical Non-stop system enables every plough body to release independently. A quality ploughing is therefore guaranteed.
Minimum wear
The Kubota Non-stop system guarantees a longer life to the plough and to the tractor. When hitting an obstacle, the pressure on the point, frame, plough parts, decreases*. The stress on the plough is therefore reduced.
*by using an Hydraulic system, pressure would increase